My guest: Frank Garten
This is the last episode of Season 1 of Clarity in Conversations. And just like the previous episode was a special one where I interviewed co-host Els de Maeijer, for this last episode we reverse roles and Els will interview me.
It’s not my first move usually to put myself in the spotlight. I operate better when not all lights are shining on me, even though I know I do myself short sometimes with this modest trait. I have to admit I like this role-reversal though. Els’ questions triggered me to think about my own career moves and my interests, and connect these to the experience of producing this podcast.
I won’t give you hints here of what we talk about: listen for yourself.
This end Season 1 of Clarity in Conversations, and I have tremendously enjoyed producing, interviewing, editing and publishing this podcast 13 times. What the future will hold? I have not taken a decision yet. I will use the summer months to think about a next season. Maybe a similar set-up and format. Maybe a change to a talkshow with multiple guests. Maybe a forum where we address real-life business challenges with a panel of wild thinkers. Maybe… ?
Any ideas are welcomed; great podcast ideas, offers for help and suggestions for modest sponsoring will be very welcomed to start Season 2: full of energy, after a nice and long summer break!
For any feedback and responses, get in touch at
And thanks Els: for your fantastic role in Season 1. I never thought collaborating would be so nice when we started. Not only have you made this podcast come to life various ways: you also stimulated me to put the bar higher each time, and strive for a high quality listening experience for the many listeners in 50+ different countries. Thanks so much!